Marmite cream-cheese toast with mushrooms recipe

June 2024 · 2 minute read

Eggs are a good way to pack lots of amino acids the body needs to build proteins, while Marmite and mushrooms work together to offer a powerful, super-umami flavour hit. This toast makes an easy, warming breakfast, or a lunch or light dinner.

Prep time: 5 minutes | Cooking time: 15 minutes





  • Mix together the cream cheese and Marmite in a small bowl.
  • Place a small saucepan on a high heat and add boiling water. Allow the water to start bubbling again, then carefully add the egg. Reduce the heat so the water comes to a gentle rolling boil, and cook the egg for six to seven minutes to give you the perfect soft-boiled egg. Remove from the water using a slotted spoon, and set aside.
  • Meanwhile, place a frying pan on a medium-high heat and add a glug of oil. When hot, add the mushroom, and fry for five to six minutes, until crispy and dark. Sprinkle in the lemon zest and juice.
  • Shell and halve the egg. Toast the bread to your liking and spread over the Marmite cream cheese. Spoon the mushroom on top and add the halves of soft-boiled egg. Sprinkle with sumac, if you like.
  • Recipe from Life Kitchen: Recipes to revive the joy of taste and flavour, by Ryan Riley (Bloomsbury, £20). Order your copy from
