5 fastest point guards in the NBA right now

June 2024 · 8 minute read

The NBA, without question, is one of the fastest sports in the world. The fast-paced, quick-moving game, where the shot clock expires every 24 seconds, is home to some of the fastest athletes in the world.

To rank the fastest point guards, we must first acknowledge that being fast in an NBA game is not the same as a 40 yard dash. Players almost never get the opportunity to dash from one end to the other without any hindrance.

The variables of any game, meaning the players on the court, and the kind of defense and offense being played limit the definition of fast in the NBA.

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These are the fastest point guards in the NBA

In this article, we're going to rank the fastest point guards playing in the NBA. The parameters for ranking would not just be dependent on the dash speed but by how fast a player is in making the necessary plays.

Before we begin ranking, our honorable mentions for the fastest point guards that almost made it to the list are Kemba Walker, Donovan Mitchell, and John Wall.

#5 Steph Curry

Steph Curry is a once-in-a-century kind of player. When he erupted in the NBA scene, his game was so unprecedented that coaches had to change their strategies to be able to guard him. It's safe to say that he is one of the handful of players that changed the game of basketball.

Before Curry established himself in the NBA as a sharp shooter, guarding a three-point shooter from behind the three-point line was common practice. The defender would mark the shooter, but most of the defense would be focused on stopping mid-range jumpers and rim finishes.

However, Curry changed all of that. Now, NBA teams regularly put double-team defenses on the likes of Curry, even past the three-point line. His long range accuracy is so fearsome that defensive players are pulled towards him even when he doesn't have the ball.

Steph is fifth on this list for his ability to rush the ring past defense and score at will. His incredible handles allow him to compete with players much more explosive than him. In addition, his shot release is lightning fast and, arguably, the fastest ever in the NBA.

Steph has become the face of the modern basketball era where shooters reign supreme, but that's not the only thing he is capable of doing as he has proved time and again.

#4 Ja Morant

Ja Morant #12 with the ball

Ja Morant is something else. From his NBA debut to the past season where he helped his team, the Memphis Grizzlies, knock out the Steph Curry-led Golden State Warriors from the playoffs, he has been too good.

His creativity on the court is unrivaled. His raw explosiveness is so dangerous that many compare him to a younger Westbrook. Yet, Ja is his own player. He is one of the flashiest passers in the league, feeding the ball to his teammates like Prime Rajon Rondo and Ricky Rubio.

Standing at 6' 3", Morant's height is the same as your usual point guard in the NBA, but his jump is much higher than anyone else's on this list except, probably, Westbrook. He uses his explosive power for quick drives, his handles are as fast as a viper, and he has improved his shot range and accuracy over the past NBA season.

#3 Kyrie Irving

Kyrie faces of against Boston Celtics

Kyrie Irving is the third fastest point guard in the NBA. It must come as a surprise to see him ranked above Ja Morant but he is, without a doubt, faster than both him and Curry. The one-time NBA championship winner (2015-16) with the Cleveland Cavaliers undoubtedly shares the title of "the greatest ball handler of all time" with Allen Iverson.

What Kyrie can do with a basketball in the NBA is nothing short of magical realism. To give you a better idea of just how quick and wonderful his handles are, try to imagine Team USA with the likes of Kobe Bryant, James Harden, Kevin Durant, and Blake Griffin.

What a formidable team it must be with defensive geniuses like Kobe and Durant on the court and yet Kyrie crossed all of them. In the scrimmage, Kyrie gets gets the ball possession under his rim, crosses Kobe and Durant, then spins around Harden, and dribbles behind his back to cross a chasing Bryant. What's even more special is that he does all of this in less than 7 seconds.

Irving unnerves his opponents with easily the fastest handles and on-court movement. Uncle Drew can shimmy the ball in while falling left or right, shoot mid range after a quick spin, or move in the air to beat defenders with his speed and accuracy.

#2 De'Aaron Fox

De'Aaron fox #5 drives past Jrue Holiday #21

23-year-old Sacramento Kings point guard De'Aaron Fox averaged 25.2 points and 7.2 assists in the 2020-21 NBA season. Fox has grown constantly over the past few seasons, increasing his average by 4.1 points per game from the 2019-20 NBA season.

Some claim that De'Aaron Fox is the fastest player and therefore the fastest point guard in the NBA. Even Fox himself claimed the title of being the No.1 fastest player in the league. While he might be the fastest player in terms of baseline to baseline running, it doesn't make him the fastest player in an NBA game.

The variable, as we discussed before the ranking began, limits the idea of fastest. In a game, a player has to be able use their speed and quickness to make consequential plays. That being said, De'Aaron is still as fast as a panther. Sports Science measured his acceleration speed to be greater than Kyrie's.

Fox's speed allows him to make unexpected steals and turnovers. He chases opponents on fastbreaks, spooking them with blocks, and steals. His fast legs also jump high enough to hammer trademark NBA dunks whenever given the space to create any momentum. It is for these reasons that he deserves to be called the second fastest PG in NBA and on his way to becoming the fastest.

#1 Russell Westbrook

Russell Westbrook #0 on his way to dunk against Portland Trail Blazers

If we were ranking the fastest players of all time in the NBA, Russell Westbrook would still be the second fastest, if not the fastest. But as far as being the fastest point guard in the NBA right now, Russell Westbrook has no match.

His unreal speed, where he can reach up to 21.6 mph in a game, is not what tipped this list's scales in his favor. His explosive strength helps him erupt past defenders with unrivaled acceleration. This ability helps the 32-year-old superstar put defenders behind him in small open spaces.

Russell combines his bursts of speed and power with quick pivots, euro-steps, and high-flying dunks. Also, handles are as fast as they get. He uses his ball control to spin around players and pulls off unpredictably fast crossovers. He launches shots off the dribble from mid range, and sometimes from a distance, for a deadly accurate and quick jumper.

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